Privacy Policy

Privacy and Cookie Policy

This privacy and cookie notice illustrates how we use and protect all data, including personal data, collected via the website (the “Website”).

This Website provides information about BEFOR2050 S.R.L.

BEFOR2050 S.R.L. does not gather information about your browsing habits or your personal data other than the cookies we detail hereunder.


Data Controller

The Data Controller of the data collected via this Website is the company BEFOR2050 S.R.L., via Vincenzo Gagliardi n. 10, – Mogliano Veneto (TV) 31021 (hereafter simply “BEFOR2050” or “Controller”): the Controller autonomously decides for what purposes and how data shall be processed and what procedures to apply to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.


Purpose of processing

The Website will process navigation data and personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols acquired by the information systems and software procedures involved in the running of the Controller’s Website. Such data includes IP addresses, type of browser, operating system, dominion name and website addresses from which access or exit is made, information on pages visited by users within the Website, time of access, time spent on a given page, analysis of browsing paths and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and IT environment.

Data are collected and processed for purposes strictly connected with use of the Website, its services and on-line purchasing of products. We therefore ask you to read the notices that from to time to time illustrate the characteristics of the processing that will be carried out (eg. registering for newsletter services, accessing one’s profile, on-line sale of products on the Zummy website).

Data may be processed on electronic media or paper (eg. for managing purchases).

In order to better understand its users’ needs, BEFOR2050 S.R.L has engaged a 3rd party firm, Hotjar ( and its sub-domains and secondary sites (, to monitor the behaviour of end users of its website by installing dedicated software that respects users’ privacy. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on users’ behaviour and devices.

Detailed below, by way of example, are the categories of personal data that Hotjar processes and others that it does not process: user interactions (eg. clicking, moving the mouse, browsing pages) are recorded. By means of presettings, sensitive data that users may provide via the website (credit card data, phone numbers) will never reach Hotjar’s servers and under no circumstances will such data be sold or extracted for profiling or advertising purposes. So only interactions, and not personal or sensitive data, are recorded. This may involve the recording of a device’s IP address (processed during the session and stored in a de-identified form), its type (unique device identifiers), screen size, browser information, geographical position (country only) and preferred language used to display our website. Hotjar stores all this information on our behalf in a pseudonymized user profile. Hotjar is forbidden to sell any of the data collected on our behalf.


Described below are the cookies used by the Website and the purposes for which they are used.


Cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the Website: these cookies are essential for your browsing of the Website and for its correct functioning. They enable you to use the Website functions and services you request. For example, these cookies help us remember your screen resolution. You can cancel them, but your user experience may be diminished.

Cookies used:
o          Makao Theme

Performance Cookies: these traffic log cookies are used to identify pages used and measure and track the performance of our Website. This helps us analyze web page traffic data and improve the Website on the basis of your needs. We use this information for the sole purpose of statistical analysis.

Cookies used:
o          Google Analytics,
o          Google Tag Manager,
o          Google Ad Manager
o          Pixel Facebook

Such cookies can be deactivated using the Cookie banner on the Website.
They are the cookies needed to create user profiles for the purpose of sending advertising messages in line with the preferences manifested by the user within the Website’s pages.


Advertising cookies: we use these cookies also to offer you certain types of advertising, including those relating to services and products in line with your interests.

Authorized 3rd parties may also send cookies when you interact with the Website’s services. 3rd parties means search engines, measuring and analytics service providers, social media and companies that provide advertising services. Such 3rd parties use cookies in supplying advertising content, including advertising defined on the basis of your interests, to assess the effectiveness of their ads and provide services on behalf of BEFOR2050.


Purposes of processing

We use your data for various purposes: for example, to offer our services, communicate with you, improve or update our services, analyze use of our services by users and offer personalized ads, as required by law or necessary for safeguarding data security and integrity.

We use the data we collect via your use of our services to:

  • offer and manage the services, eg. for displaying personalized content and facilitating communication with other users;

  • process your requests and orders;

  • personalize ads on various devices;

  • publicize the services on 3rd party websites and applications;

  • analyse traffic on the Website in order to improve its functions and services and carry out operations necessary for the maintenance and security of the Website. Please note that statistical data are used for this purpose.

Befor2050 srl does not engage in any promotion and/or advertising communication without prior express consent on the part of the user.


Legal basis of processing

Apart from the foregoing remarks on navigation data, you are free to provide your personal data.
In cases where certain personal data are collected via cookies to analyze the Website’s traffic, we rely on users’ consent.


Conservation of your data

The conservation period varies with the different types of cookie as detailed below and therefore depends on whether they are session cookies (i.e. cookies temporarily stored on the device displayedon accessing the Website and disappearing when the browser window is closed) or permanent cookies (i.e. cookies that will stay on your device for a certain period to enable us to remember your preferences on your next visits).


Subjects or categories of subjects to which your data may be communicated

Your data will only be communicated to 3rd parties with your express consent, except in cases where communication is mandatory by law or necessary for the purposes provided for by law for which the data subject’s consent is not required. In such cases, data may be made available to 3rd party subjects which will process them autonomously and exclusively for the aforementioned purposes (eg. when requested by the police or the judiciary or other authorities or to fulfil obligations arising from the contract stipulated with you). Your data will not be made public in any way.


Subjects which may process your personal data:

BEFOR2050 may engage 3rd parties to process your personal data for certain activities. The 3rd party subjects which carry out such operations have been properly selected, are experienced, skilled and reliable and offer sufficient guarantees of full compliance with current provisions of law on processing, including the data security profile.

Such 3rd party subjects will be appointed as “Processing Managers” and carry out their tasks in accordance with instructions from the Controller and under the latter’s control. We periodically check that these managers duly perform the tasks assigned to them and continue to provide adequate guarantees of full compliance with the provisions of personal data protection regulations. You can always ask the Data Controller for an updated list of the processing managers. Your data are then processed by the people we have assigned to the individual services.

To manage your purchases, your data may be seen by persons authorized to carry out processing and by the internal and external processing managers appointed by BEFOR2050 but only within the limits of such persons’ sphere of responsibility.
Your data may also be communicated to firms engaged to ship and deliver our products.


Security measures

BEFOR2050 adopts security measures capable of minimizing the risks of destruction or loss of data (even accidental), unauthorized access and processing without consent or incompatible with the purposes of collection specified in our Privacy Policy.

However, BEFOR2050 cannot guarantee to its users that the measures adopted for the security of the Website and of the transmission of data and information on the Website can limit or exclude all and any risk of access without consent or dispersal of data by the user’s devices. We advise you make sure your computer has adequate software to protect transmission of data on-line, both incoming and outgoing (such as updated antivirus systems) and that your Internet services provider has adopted suitable measures for the security of data transmission on-line (such as firewalls and anti-spamming filters, for example).


Links to other websites

Our Website may contain links to other websites that may have no connection with us. BEFOR2050 does not control or monitor such sites or their content. BEFOR2050 cannot be held liable for the content of such websites or the rules they adopt, even in connection with your privacy and the processing of your personal data during your browsing operations. We therefore ask you to take care when accessing these websites via the links on our Website and to carefully read their conditions of use and privacy policies. By way of non-exhaustive example, we mention Klarna (Klarna Bank AB. Sveavaagen 46, 11134 Stockholm) and Stripe, Inc. Mailchimp, (Rocket Science Group). Our Privacy and Cookie Policy does not apply to 3rd party websites. Our Website provides links to such sites for the sole purpose of facilitating users in their browsing and search operations and of facilitating hypertext connection to other sites on the Internet. Activation of links does not entail any recommendation or indication by BEFOR2050 to access and browse these sites or any guarantee regarding the content, services or goods supplied and sold by them to web users. To enable correct management of the website, your personal data may be transferred to countries not belonging to the European Union.


Links to social networks

The pages of our Website may contain links to social networks (eg. Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). If you click on said links, our Website does not collect any personal data.

These services merely make it possible to interact with social networks or other external platforms. If a service for interaction with social networks is installed, it may happen that said interaction service will collect traffic data relative to the pages where it is installed even if users do not use the service.


Data subjects’ rights

As a data subject, you may exercise the rights indicated in articles 15 to 22, GDPR, and in particular the right of access to and rectification or erasure of data, the right to ask to limit processing or oppose it, and the right to data portability. You are also entitled to lodge complaints with the Supervisory Authority.

In the event of an infringement of your personal data, the Controller will inform you of such infringement pursuant to the provisions of art. 34, GDPR.


How long do we keep your data?

The personal details you provide us via our Website because required for your purchasing operations and the filling in of order request forms are kept for as long as you are registered.

Except where otherwise provided for by law, data regarding details of your purchases will be kept for the purpose of analyzing your preferences or sending you advertising material and commercial communications (only if you give us express consent). If you withdraw your consent, your data will only be processed for the purposes provided for by law.


Contacts for exercising data subjects’ rights

You may exercise your rights at any time by sending a registered letter with advice of receipt or a registered e-mail to BEFOR2050 S.r.l. (hereafter BEFOR 2050 or “the Seller”), with registered office in Italy, via Vincenzo Gagliardi n. 10, – Mogliano Veneto (TV) 31021, tax code and VAT no. 05046970264, e-mail address:

The Controller’s Website and services are not intended for minors and the Controller does not intentionally gather personal information regarding minors. Should any information about minors be unintentionally recorded, the Controller will promptly erase it if so requested by users.

If you believe that processing regarding you breaches the provisions of the Regulation, you may lodge a complaint with the personal data protection Supervisory Authority (, or the Supervisory Authority of the country where you live or work (if not Italy) or, lastly, that of any other place where you believe the infringement occurred.


Modifications to and updates of this Privacy Policy

BEFOR2050 may modify or simply update the Website’s Privacy Policy in part or whole, also in response to changes to laws and regulations that discipline privacy and protect your rights. Modifications to and updates ofthis Privacy and Cookie Policy will be notified to users on the Home Page as soon as they are adopted and become binding as soon as they are posted on the Website. We therefore ask you to regularly access this section to check on the publication of the most recent Privacy and Cookie Policy.

I consent to the processing of my personal data for commercial purposes by Zummy and agree to receive advertising material, commercial offers and news from Zummy. I declare that I have viewed the privacy notice and give my consent to the processing of my personal data for the sending of advertising material, commercial offers and news by Zummy.

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